By Alice Sy

Plenty of couples are struggling to save their marriage, and very few realize that a possible solution to their marital problems lies with a live in domestic help or housekeeper. This may sound strange, but a hired help can unload you of household chores, and therefore, give you more time to spend with your husband.

If the root cause of your marital problems is the limited time you get to spend with your husband because you are busy with household chores, a live in domestic help or housekeeper will prove to be of significance.

The basic duties of a wife usually include daily cleaning, washing the dishes, washing and drying the clothes, cooking, and practically keeping things in order. These duties are often time-consuming, and at the end of the day, the wife feels too exhausted for a night of romance. Besides that, she no longer finds the need to watch over her physical appearance.

With a live in domestic help or housekeeper, you can delegate some of your duties to her. You can, for example, give her the task of washing the dishes and the clothes, and perhaps even do some cooking, if you are comfortable with that. Cleaning the entire house on a daily basis can really be taxing on your part, but if you have a housekeeper at home, you can let her do the work, so you can concentrate on many other things.

You may think, though, that a housekeeper or a live in domestic help is only for the rich. Maintaining a maid can, indeed, be expensive; however, getting stressed out in doing things all by yourself and the resulting fights with your partner can be damaging to your marriage --- and such can turn out to be more costly!

You can ask your friends or family members for recommendations if you want to get a live in domestic help for yourself. As your hired help will be staying in your house, you would naturally seek someone you can depend on. You can also go to manpower agencies to ask for recommendations.

Another must that you have to do is to find out the policies and guidelines when getting a live in domestic help or housekeeper. In particular, you should know the standard rate as required by law, and the benefits that you ought to be giving your employees.

Going through all these advantages, getting a housekeeper or a live in domestic help, does seem to be a marriage saver. - 18098

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